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Tag: beginning

The Start. A rollercoaster of emotions – Madrid

The Start. A rollercoaster of emotions – Madrid

After a disturbing week at home it’s finally starting. The week was not easy though, as I got sick. Additionally I lost my wallet at a friends place. It reappeared, but it made me clear how fucked I really would be if I really lost it. Then on departure day it was hard too. Leaving my girlfriend my friends and family that I love. It made me clear that I am now alone. Alone in the world. I have to…

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Departure! Fear, boxes and moving out.

Departure! Fear, boxes and moving out.

The time is ticking and the journey is ahead. After this terrific summer with all my amazing friends and family, it is time to depart from home. Parties were celebrated like none before. Friendships and romance were stronger than before. It is still time to depart and follow my own dreams. I know my friends, family and girlfriend will be there for it. Boxes are packed. The apartment is rented to a different person. Lists were made. More boxes are…

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