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Category: Colombia

Colombia – The last adventure in Latin-America!

Colombia – The last adventure in Latin-America!

I love Medellin, but I love nature more. So I head out to GuatapĂ©, while David want’s to stay in Medellin. I need to take a bus to get there. I talked about the metro system the last post already. You get direct walkways from the metro to the terminal del norte. It is one of two big bus terminals in Medellin. In my opinion, it is really well designed. You don’t even cross pathways with the highway or any…

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Colombia – Surfing the biggest wave of my life

Colombia – Surfing the biggest wave of my life

After our time in the jungle, we return to Santa Marta. Four days of this quiet lifestyle is enough to see a city differently. The smells, the sounds, the garbage, the homeless people, it is like a slap in the face. Every sensation feels much more extreme. David, Omid and I come back. We’re tired and exhausted and the city is getting on our nerves. Omid and I want to go to the barber. We find a cool one go….

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Colombia – Robbery, horror boat ride and a class room reunion in the jungle

Colombia – Robbery, horror boat ride and a class room reunion in the jungle

Colombia was one of the countries many travelers referred to me. It was always one of their favorites. So of course I want to check it out too! When we landed it was a little slap in the face after being in Costa Rica for the three weeks. Chaotic streets and crazy traffic greeted us once we got of the plane. It is just more chaotic in general I would say. This is not necessarily bad or good. It is…

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