Mexico – Moving down south as time is ticking

Mexico – Moving down south as time is ticking

Spending time in this beautiful village I was developing a different rhythm. By the way I won’t name the village since I like to keep it quiet as it is. You can find it yourself with enough research. I spend a total of six days in this village and over my birthday. What a treat! Let me explain the rhythm of the village. You wake up at 7am and you gaze into the palms over the river as they get the first light. It get’s really cold over night so everyone has warm clothes on. You can already smell coffee of someone else so you get up and make some coffee and breakfast yourself. You read or talk to the other people and enjoy the scenery. As the sun rises up and shines at the palms across the river until the sun warms everything up. At this point you get rid of your warm clothes and exchange them for your flip flops and shorts. At 10 o’clock everybody goes surfing. On the spot you see your camping neighbors, the people you meet and some locals in the water. The waves crush over you and you take a stunning look over the mountains and the village.

At 12 pm is siesta and lunch. You lay down in your hammock to relax from that intensive surf session. All the muscles are sore so you have to recover. Everybody seems to do his own thing until either the second surf session comes or some other activities like fishing or hanging around. I always went for the second surf session of the day. Everybody comes together again to watch the sunset. At some nights there are bonfires at the beach or the riverbed. Luckily the night into my birthday there was one. So as I miss my girlfriend, my friends at home and my family, it is still nice to spend my birthday like this. You can say it is a present to myself. Turns out there is also the Geminid meteor shower visible from the December 4th to the 16th of December. Most visible on the night of the 13th to the 14th of December. The constellation Gemini is the radiant of the Geminid meteor shower, which means that it is the meteor shower’s point of origin. What a beautiful birthday gift! However at first there were clouds and I and some other people I met were quite disappointed. The sky luckily cleared and we went to the beach to watch this beautiful spectacle. I saw about 40 meteors as the crickets sing their nightly song. I was left with a wonderful birthday and an amazing feeling of being at the right place at the right time. Definitely special as I dose of into the night.

After those beautiful six nights I’m leaving to Puerto Escondido. For that I have to take a Bus to Tecóman to catch the night bus to Mexico City. After waking up several times and falling asleep again I arrive in Mexico City. Shit I forgot how cold this place is as I still have my shorts on, while everyone is wearing long and warm clothes. Since I have the whole day I head into the centrum. I text Sèan and ask where he is. In Germany we have a saying. “Alle guten Dinge sind drei” – “All good things are three”. It seems to be correct this time. He text’s me back and it turns out we are only 500 meters apart. GREAT! As I have the current thought, that the world works in funny ways sometime he proceeds to invite me into the hotel, where he is staying, to have breakfast. So we enter this fancy hotel and I just got the most premium breakfast for free. The coffee treats me well after having a rough and cold night at the bus. Since I spend the last few days in this hippie town the contrast to the current situation is quite strong and amusing to me. Seeing these fancy people while I lived like a caveman the last few days is the perfect contrast to keep on going as I catch a flight in the evening to Puerto Escondido.

When I got to Puerto Escondido I got undecisive again. I am running out of time since I have to be in cancun on the 27th of December to finally meet my girlfriend again. Despite that I have heard of an amazing place up north from Puerto Escondido. As I shuffle back and forth I decide to spontaneous go. Even if it is for a short time. Because fuck it, why not? I am only here once. It is quite easy to get to Chacahua. First you take a bus along the road. Then you take a “collectivo”- a shared big taxi to El Zapotalito and from there you take a boat through the mangrove jungle for 45 minutes. This boat tide itself was already worth it, as I cheer myself up to have made the right decision again. These mangroove water paths are miraculous.

The village is located at an peninsula. Only connected through boats. There is still everything on it. pick-up trucks, motorcycles etc. There is not much to do except enjoying the nature and chilling in a hammock or eating. Since my back is hurting like crazy from the last few nights in the hammock I opt for a cabana – a small room. As I check out the places unsure what to expect and walking around without a plan I found the perfect spot. A hut that is overlooking the ocean. I can see the waves from the toilet and the bed for only 400 pesos. Wow what a SCORE! I find out later that construction is still going on on that place. This explains the price.

I rent a surfboard for the days. I again go twice a day into the water. On the meantime I nurture myself by cold coconuts, loads of avocados and bananas and some occasional fish tacos. Time moves different in this place. One morning I was feeling extra energetic and decided to run along the beach. I didn’t expect it to be this exhausting but I underestimated the energy it takes to run through the sand. After 15 Minutes I stop completely sweaty. Damnit I still have to run back. I force myself through this agony of pain back to my cabana. Whew I made it. Totally sweaty and exhausted, but I made it! Time for a cold coconut as a treat. Later after my two surf sessions I watch the sunset.

It is time to go back to Puerto Escondido and further up the mountains. As Christmas approaches, I have a desire to be in colder territory. The mountains of Oaxaca sound to good. So I pack my backpack again to be on the move. In what a marvelous world we live in! Until next time!

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