Australia – Whales and Dolphins in the Down Under road trip

Australia – Whales and Dolphins in the Down Under road trip

Our journey from Colombo, Sri Lanka, to the land down under, Australia, an awesome experience. After a long 10-hour flight, we touched down in Melbourne and were immediately taken aback by the high prices. Little did we know that our connecting flight had been rebooked by the airline, but thankfully, the service desk swiftly resolved the issue. We had to hurry to the scheduled flight. Boarding started just as we arrived at the gate. Luckily we didn’t have to wait for another connecting flight as some other poor souls that were automatically booked to the later flight. This was the beginning of our Australian adventure.

Stepping out in Melbourne, we were hit with a reverse culture shock. After almost ten months in tropical climates, the cooler weather felt a bit too cold for us. As fate would have it, I soon found myself in a condition similar to what Sally experienced in Sri Lanka – a fever and a cold. Thankfully, this occurred in Brisbane, where it didn’t hinder my surf addiction.

Melbourne Skyline

One of the most significant culture shocks occurred as we ventured into Australia’s supermarkets. Spending so much time in Asia, where stores are small and stock limited, we were amazed at the massive, bustling supermarkets with endless selection of everything. Our jetlag and my condition meant that we didn’t explore Brisbane too much. We took short walks, and Sally hunted through second-hand shops for some warmer clothing.

Feeling better, exploring Brisbane

Despite the challenges, Brisbane proved to be a beautiful city, especially when compared to our experiences in Asian cities. The sun eventually graced us with its presence and my health improved, signaling that it was time to pick up our camper car for our road trip adventure. We were making our way through the rush hour to finally greet the beach again.

Waking up near the beach in Caloundra was a pleasant surprise. The park was teeming with life as people jogged, walked, and socialized. I decided it was time to buy a surfboard. After some searching, I found one that seemed right, despite concerns about its size. Although the board initially felt a bit small, I persevered. The lack of success in my first surf session only fueled my determination to keep going. This board was much larger as the one I bought in El Salvador, so I had to succeed!

One of the most brilliant discoveries during our stay in Australia were the public shared barbecues. These free public hot plates allowed us to enjoy beachside barbecues without even firing up some charcoal. Our time in Caloundra helped us adapt to the newfound mobility our camper car provided, even though finding suitable sleeping spots wasn’t always easy. All the beaches have huge signs, which prohibits overnight camping.

Free public BBQ… It doesn’t get better than this!

For a sleeping spot we ventured inland on the Sunshine Coast. This led us to a beautiful park where we could sleep. After breakfast, we explored the forest and discovered a stunning little waterfall. A cold morning swim in its pristine waters was the perfect way to start the morning. The best part we had the place all to ourselves.

Refreshing morning swim

Our journey took us north to Noosa, a popular spot that, to our surprise, was very crowded due to school holidays. Nonetheless, the waves in Noosa were remarkable. Time to get to know my board a bit better! I managed to ride some waves and even spotted a turtle in the water. After being blessed with this beautiful surf spot I saw something else, that troubled me. A fin was disappearing in the water just as I glanced forward. I first mistook this for a surfer. After a few seconds I noticed that the surfer wasn’t resurfacing. As the thoughts cleared I knew that just have seen a shark! The Aussies were not concerned at all as it seemed. So I continued to surf, staying in the middle of the lineup just in case…

Going surfing, getting used to the board.

We went for a hike in the national park closely to Noosa. On the way we met an elderly German guy, who was living in his van. We met him earlier in Caloundra and the three of us continued the hike together. Soon after we were treated with something special! We saw whales swimming of the coast of Noosa! Even better we spotted some dolphins enjoying the swell! What an amazing place. We were left with our jaw wide open…

An absolute remarkable place!

Our adventure continued as we headed north to Rainbow Beach. One of the unique aspects of Rainbow Beach is the vehicle access permitted on the beach, allowing 4×4 enthusiasts to chill by the shoreline. While we didn’t have a 4×4, exploring the beach on foot was still a fantastic experience. The towering sand dunes of Rainbow Beach, some of the highest in Australia, were a special sight. Be carfeul, when you take your 4×4 to the beach. There is a wall of shame in town of people losing their car to the sea!

Our journey from Melbourne to Rainbow Beach was filled with unexpected surprises, culture shocks, and unforgettable experiences. Australia had much in store for us, and with our camper car, we were ready to find places of the beaten path, like Rainbow beach. Something you would reach, without mobility.

Thanks for reading and until next time. Cheers!

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