Departure! Fear, boxes and moving out.

Departure! Fear, boxes and moving out.

The time is ticking and the journey is ahead.

After this terrific summer with all my amazing friends and family, it is time to depart from home. Parties were celebrated like none before. Friendships and romance were stronger than before. It is still time to depart and follow my own dreams. I know my friends, family and girlfriend will be there for it.

Boxes are packed. The apartment is rented to a different person. Lists were made. More boxes are being packed. My car is listed on ebay for sale and the last vaccinations and things are ordered and packed into my backpack. Fear starts settle in. Is this the right move? Am I doing the right thing? What if something happens?

It’s time to put fear in the place and to see the world. It’s time to think and it’s finally time to go surfing again. I’ve been dreaming for a while now, to be able to surf everyday if I want to. This year this dream will come true. New friendships will be made along the way. New people will be met.

It’s time to be in the water again! Being timeless. Just waiting for the next wave and chasing the endless summer.

Follow along on my adventure on this Blog!



3 thoughts on “Departure! Fear, boxes and moving out.

  1. Hoi Jerome,
    wel gaaf dat je nu daadwerkelijk op wereldreis gaat!
    Bij ons in Nederland zijn er ook wat golven dus als je toch Heimweh krijgt is dat misschien een optie als tussending. Veel plezier en veilige reis!

    1. Hoi Simon,

      bedankt voor je woorden.
      De golven zijn vrij goed in de dominicaanse republiek
      Palmen, blauw water en schonere golven.
      Maar Nederland was ook geweldig.
      blijf kijken voor mijn berichten!
      Cheers Jerome

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